Our Mission, Vision and Aims

mission vision aims

Our Mission, vision and aims

Our mission is that everyone can discover, read and embrace the Bible as the source for their life. This translates into two main aims: Everyone can experience the Bible as a relevant source for their life and all children have the opportunity to discover the Bible before they reach the age of fifteen years.

Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap

Main Aims

  • Opening the Bible

We want everyone who is receptive to it to be able to discover, read and embrace the Bible. This might be for the first time, on a daily basis or in a new way. For this reason, we continuously evaluate what is needed: maybe a translation in a new language, a new reading plan, or an audio version. Because the Bible is here for everyone.

  • Every child

Every child has the opportunity to discover, read and embrace the Bible before they reach fifteen; whether at home, in school or in church. In the Netherlands and Flanders, this could be through our Sunday School method Bible Basics, worldwide through the different versions of the Samenleesbijbel (Family Bible).


Our Core Values

We have developed five core values that are at the heart of everything we do.

  • We work from a basis of love of the Bible.
  • As colleagues, we work on our mission meticulously, devotedly and full of enthusiasm.
  • We want to share the message of the Bible with people in a way that meets their needs.
  • We want to work together with all sorts of churches in the Netherlands and Flanders.
  • In our work, we are committed to maintaining a livable world.